The Temple - Luke 1
We continue our study of the Temple that played a prominent role in the life of the Jews when Jesus was born. In this lesson we dig...

Life in the Spirit - Romans 8
Some have called the Holy Spirit the forgotten God. But this member of the Trinity is the key to living the victorious Christian life. ...

Who is this Wind and Fire?
Some have called the Holy Spirit the forgotten God. But this member of the Trinity is the key to living the victorious Christian life. ...

Luke 1 & 2 - Part 2
In this sermon we take a look at Herod and the great temple that he built. It was more than just a beautiful sight to see, there is much...

Luke 1 & 2 - Introduction
Luke wrote detailed accounts of Christ's birth, life and the early church. However, we know little about this man. In this sermon we...

Exodus 6:6-30 - So Great a Salvation
There is no greater story of God's deliverance and redemption than His work to free the nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt. In this...

Exodus 5:22-6:5 - Obedience and Opposition
There is no greater story of God's deliverance and redemption than His work to free the nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt. In this...

Exodus 5:10-21 - Profiles of Unbelief, Part 2
There is no greater story of God's deliverance and redemption than His work to free the nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt. In this...

Exodus 5:1-9 - Profiles in Unbelief, Part 1
There is no greater story of God's deliverance and redemption than His work to free the nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt. In this...

Exodus 4:18-31 - The Long Road Home
There is no greater story of God's deliverance and redemption than His work to free the nation of Israel from bondage in Egypt. In this...